Tuesday, April 22, 2014

How do you look attractive in 9 simple steps?

Most women are looking for excellence and appearing attractive look, by wearing stylish clothes and makeup that highlight their beauty and femininity.

However, the charm and attractive appeal of a woman does not depend only on the beauty of her clothes and her hair style and use of appropriate makeup, but she must take many other factors into account to achieve this goal, the following are some simple steps that increase the attractiveness of women, according the  Live Hack-mail Web:

1 - The Smile 
The smile is the most important factor in the attractiveness of women, it gives an idea of her friendly personality, it stands out as the most important aspects of her aesthetic.

2- Wear the right perfume

The women scent help to leave a distinct impression in others, and it is advised choose the light perfume or not to wear any perfume, on condition her smell must be good and does not smells like sweat and any other bad smells .

3 - Wear elegant clothes that does not intended to attract attention
Women should wear simple and elegant clothes at the same time without being intended to draw attention to it.

4 - Ensure to have a general culture knowledge   
It is essential that women know what's going on in the world of political , economic and social events, and have a particular view on all of that, through continuous reading and follow-up of daily events.

5 -  Talking to  others in a graceful manner
The method and style of talking gracefully  with others help to highlight the attractiveness of women, and it is preferred to avoid talking too loud and stay away from profanity and vulgar conversations. 

6 - Exercise some useful hobbies
It is a must for the modern woman to practice some sports, social activities and useful hobbies in order to improve her skills and capabilities. 

7 - Earn high educational degree
Most men prefer women with a high degree it gives  the ability to keep up with modern developments to have an active role in the community.

8 - To allocate time for all the people around her
Women must seek glamour and distinction by devoting time to her children and her husband, and who are in need of help like friends, the elderly. In order to beloved by    everyone.

9 - Thanking others and giving back the favors 
There is no better expressions of thanks and gratitude to be  friendly to others. Also  gifts and mutual visits helps to achieve this goal. 

Source: http://www.24.ae/ 

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